Frederick Potts (1758 – d. unknown)
Frederick Potts (1758 – d. unknown)
- born: 1758 in Colebrookdale Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania
- died: unknown at this time
Wife: Catherine Ham b. est. 1760 – d. ????
marriage. est 1780 -Virginia (West Virginia) ????
- Frederick Potts Jr. (1784 – 1871) – perhaps born in Louden County Virgina or Berks County, Pennsylvania. He died in Boone, Missouri. He married Elizabeth Oliver. 1810 Census Listing in Nicholas Kentucky. As it turns out this Junior is actually Frederick Potts the III as proven below.
- Thomas Jefferson Potts (1790 – 1848) – Born in Berks County, Pennsylvania or either Louden County, Virginia or Clark County, Kentucky and ultimately settled in Clark County, Kentucky. Married Marth Gholson Marietta Vivion.
- Maria Susannah Potts (1794 – 1873) – Born Louden County, Virginia and died in Boone, Missouri. She married Warren Madden.
- William Potts – perhaps settled in Kentucky? William Potts shows up in 1800 on Nicholas County records and is listed in the 1810 census page 8 listing in Nicholas Kentucky (along with Fred and Samuel Potts on page 7 of the same census). William’s Age is listed as over 45 (and 8 slaves) – perhaps making him the oldest brother.
- Catherine Potts – m xxxx Fisher
- Barbara Potts –
Probable Additional Child of Frederick Potts (ca. 1758 – d.?)
Samuel Potts (1791-1856) – What makes Samuel Potts (1791-1856) so interesting is that he is the only know yDNA Western Slavic R1a – R-L260 – YP415 match to Frederick Potts – only 2 steps removed from Frederick Potts (1758 -d.?) descendant – he descends from the same parent in a documentable time period of Colonial American. It is extremely probable Samuel Potts (1791-1856) is a previously undocumented child of Frederick Potts (1758 – d.?) from Pennsylvania. Not only does the yDNA support this but the fact he appears with the other children listed above on the 1810 Nicholas County, Kentucky Records.
Frederick Potts (Frederich Patz) was born in 1758 and is documented as the son of Friederich Patz (ca. 1720) by his confirmation record May 22nd 1773 at age 15 at the Lutheran Church in New Hanover Berks County, Pennsylvania. – The Lutheran Church in New Hanover Montgomery County, Penna. – Part XXII, of a Narrative and Critical History prepared at the request of The Pennsylvania-German Society by Rev. J.J. Kline, PHD. – Pages 364 – 365.

Frederick’s most likely place of birth is Colebrookdale Township (in Oley), Berks County, Pennsylvania in or near what would eventually become Pottsgrove and a couple miles east of Pottstown based on Land Patent for 50 acres to his father, Frederick Potts (ca. 1720) in Colebrookdale Pennsylvania – Adjoining land of Michael Kline and Conrad Behim by Nicholas Scull Surveyor General issued 3rd Oct 1750.

Based on what we know about Frederick Potts (1758 – d.?) and his children, his death is most likely either in Berks County, Pennsylvania, Louden County, Virgina (west virginia) or Clark or Nicholas County, Kentucky possibly Boone, Missouri. There is still a Frederick Potts in Berks Pennsylvania in 1790 on the census record. It’s likely the move to Louden Virginia and/or Kentucky happened after that time. Most likely after 1795 and the Treaty of Greenville paved the way for entire families to settle safely in Kentucky.
Parents of Frederick Potts (1758 – d.?):
- Friederich Potts/Potz/Patz/Paetz/Patzin (ca. 1720 – )
- Susanna Potts/Potz/Patz/Paetz/Patzin (ca. 1720 – )
Frederick’s (1758 – d.?) father is Friederich Patz (ca. 1720) and mother Susanna and they are well documented starting in 1746 in the New Hanover Lutheran Church birth and christening records. Their last name is documented in a variety of spellings in the history of the New Hanover Lutheran Church records but there is no doubt these are the same parents of the children listed below.
Siblings of Frederick Potts (1758 – d.?) are:
- 1746 – Mar 5th – Birth Elizabeth Patz – Father Friederich and Susanna Patz with Sponsors Johannes Fran and Catharina. – New Hanover Lutheran Church.
- 1748 – Jan 12th – Birth Anna Maria Potts – Father Frederich and Susanna Potts with Matthias Hollenbach and Wife as sponsors – New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church – History of the church. – its right outside of Pottstown and Pottsgrove PA.
- 1758 – Birth of Friederich Patz, Son of Friederich Patz – birth year calculated as 1758 based on his age at his confirmation on 1773 May 22nd. – The Lutheran Church in New Hanover Montgomery County, Penna. – Part XXII, of a Narrative and Critical History prepared at the request of The Pennsylvania-German Society by Rev. J.J. Kline, PHD. – Page 364
- 1758 – Nov 28th – St. Michael’s Luthern Church of Philadelphia – Johannes Fuss married Use Margretha Elisabethe Patzin. Friederich Patz and wife Susanna were also on New Hanover rec.
- 1759 – Jun 3rd – Oley Hill Church Baptism Records – Eva Susanna Potts – Father Frederich Potts and mother Susanna Potts – sponsors Eva Maria and Jacob Woeffinger (perhaps grandparents??) – this area is where Colebrookdale was to become. — Oley Hill Church, now St. Joseph’s in Pike Township. It’s 10 miles from New Hanover Lutheran Church.
- 1761 – July 23rd – birth of Joh. Daniel Paetz and baptized on Jun 20th 1762 – Parents Friederich and Susanna Paetz – New Hanover Lutheran Church – Sponsors Matthias Reichard and wife.
- 1773 May 22nd – Frederich Potz, son of Friederich Confirmed – age 15. Page 364 – The Lutheran Church in New Hanover Montgomery County, Penna. – Part XXII, of a Narrative and Critical History prepared at the request of The Pennsylvania-German Society by Rev. J.J. Kline, PHD.
- 1774 May 1st – Susanna Potz Confirmed – age 15 (born 1759) , daughter of Friederich – confirmed New Hanover Church.
Records that are related:
Church record of the Oley Hill Church (St. Joseph’s), Pike Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, 1754-1799 – Need to get a copy of this or see microfilm
Berks County LDS Page with tons of links – need to check this page out
Pennsylvania: The German Influence In Its Settlement and Development – Part XXII – The Lutheran Church in New Hanover Montgomery County PA.
Other Probable Additional Siblings of Frederick Potts (ca. 1758 – d.?)
- Samuel – listed as brother in book written in 1901 called “Historical Collections of the Potts Family in Great Britain and America” by William John Potts
- David – listed as brother in book written in 1901 called “Historical Collections of the Potts Family in Great Britain and America” by William John Potts
Where did Friederich Patz (ca 1720) come from?
Frederick Potts (1758 – d. unknown) father Friederich Patz (ca. 1720), most likely arrived in Pennsylvania from Rotterdam during the migration period of the Schwenkfelders from 1731-1737. He was conclusively documented in New Hanover Lutheran Church christening record of his daughter, Elizabeth Patz, in 1746. She the first of many of his children listed there. He acquired his is first plot of land in Colebrookdale by 1750 (though he was clearly living there well before that) and in 1769 he had an additional plot of land adjoining a known Schwenkfelder – George Merkel. His arrival is undoubtedly prior to 1746. It is very possible that Frederick’s father was either a Swhenkfelder or associated with them in some way and migrated to Pennsylvania during this the same timeframe with them.
The Swhenkfelders Pennsylvania migration consisted of 519 people and was due to religious persecution in Lower Silesia from 1719 to 1726. They left their hometown of Harpersdorf, Lower Silesia and walked 50 miles Saxony on Jan 29th 1726 where they were given refuge by Count Zinzendorf. After seven years there they left in April 1734 and made their to Altoona Denmark by May 14th 1734 and then on to Rotterdam. The trip to Pennsylvania came on six voyages on the following ships: the Snow Lowther (1731), the Pennsylvania Merchant (1734), the Saint Andrew (1734), the Mary of Philadelphia (1735), the Perth Amboy (1736) and the Saint Andrew (1737) a second time. At the time, they were not referred to as Schwenkfelders but rather Palatines, Quakers or Foreign Protestants. After eight years of Pioneer life in 1742 Frederick the Great of Prussia would liberate Silesia from Austria and offer the Schwenkfelders their homeland back. Several of the Schwenkfelders settled in Oley near New Hanover.
D.S. Note – In 1733 the second ship in the Schwenkfelder movement landed. It was called the Pennsylvania Merchant (John Stedman, Master, from Rotterdam, Netherlands, but last from Plymouth, England. landed Sept. 18, 1733, in Philadelphia, PA.). Among the Palatine passengers there is a Frederick Gotz listed – Wonder if that G could really be a P?
Another Potts/Pott/Patz named Welhelums Pott was actually on the 1734 “Saint Andrew” depicted in the paiting above which was the largest single movement of Schwenfelders – consisting of 204 Schwenkfelder transplants. IT should also be noted that this Wilehelm/Welhelums/William Pott was part of the “Brotherhood of the Skippack” and association of the same group of Silesian transplants. And of course William Pott and his step son Peter Lobach (also on the St. Andrew) lived in what would become Pike and Lobachsville. Williams land was purchased in the 1740s. This is where a lot of Patz are found in the 1820s and also where Oley Hill church is located.
There is also a Michael Potz who arrived in Oct . 12th 1738 on the ship Snow Fox, Charles Ware Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Plymouth – 9r passengers. He is also a good candidate to be related to Friederich Potz (ca. 1720).
I spoke with a Schwenkfelder historian who said there is almost no chance these potz are part of that group. And, while that may or may not be so, they are living quite tightly with Schwenkfelder members by the 1750s.
Ancestral Origins of Frederick Potts (1758 – d.?):
We know based on yDNA results that the descendants of Frederick’s son Thomas Jefferson Potts (1790 – 1848) that they are Western Slavic R1a – R-L260 – YP415 in origin. We know the same thing about Samuel Potts (1791-1856) who is most likely a son of Frederick Potts (1758 – d.?). We also know this not only applies to Thomas Jefferson Potts male descendants but also his male ancestor Friederich Patz and those before him. This clears up any doubt as to whether he was from the Proto-Celtic R1B line of Potts that so many other British, Welsh, Scottish and Irish Potts in and around Pottsville, Pottstown and Pottsgrove descend. He was Western Slavic and of Polish origin as shown by yDNA testing.

Having that as a data point, now we can easily confirm he would have been considered Palatine, Dutch, German, Prussian or Silesian during Colonial America. This validates the comments in a book written in 1901 called “Historical Collections of the Potts Family in Great Britain and America” by William John Potts:
Frederick Potts, and two brothers, David and Samuel, are said to have come from Holland to Pennsylvania, sometime between 1750 and 1765. Frederick removed to Loudoun County, Virginia and then in 1800 from there to Clark County Kentucky. He is said to have been named in honor of Frederick the Great, of Prussia.
The quoted information above originated from Fredrick Potts Jr’s Son. And if Friederich Patz (ca. 1720) was in fact a Silesian Schwenfelder, he would have been very proud indeed to have named his son after Frederick the Great of Prussia given he liberated Silesia from Austria in 1742.
As to the original spelling of his surname prior to being Anglicized, it is unclear to me but we do have some indicators based on the various spellings in records found at New Hanover Lutheran Church. I’ve seen Potts, Pott, Botts, Bott, Paetz/Pätz, Patz and Patzin either in the records related to Frederick and his family or in DNA results that closely match him (and me). What that name might look like in Polish is unclear to me at this time as well. Another YP415 DNA holder from Poland contacted me and suggested Bos/Bocz/Bosz as a possibility. It’s also very possible these Potts were Salesian in origin based on their proximity to other Salesian transplants and how the closest yDNA matches overlay the formerly Silesian area of Poland, Czech and Slovakia.
Mar 6th 1769 – Pennsylvania Land Patent assigned to Frederick Potts for Berks County Pennsylvania above. It reads “Frederick Potts, 300 acres adjoining George Merckle, Jacob Kantner, George Hunzinger and Jacob Wagner on Schuylkill over the blue mountain in Berks County.”
D.S. Comment – I believe the location described in the 1769 patent above in what is now Schuylkill county (which was carved from Berks in 1810 and where Pottsville is now located) – It makes sense that Friedreich Patz (ca, 1720) who had land in 1750 in Colebrookdale purchased this plot. Expansion outwards from the population center of Philadelphia 20 years later would make this land desirable as it was becoming available and becoming increasingly safer as the Indian population was pushed further westward. However, 1769 is still a somewhat risky proposition for a move over the blue mountains at that time.
Frederick Potts Timeline:
When investigating early Pennsylvania it is important to take into consideration when the counties were formed in the locations that you are researching. This is especially true in case of Frederick Potts (1758 – d?) and father Frederick Potts (ca 1720) who first show up in Colebrookdale Township, Oley, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania starting on March 5th 1746 at the New Hanover Lutheran Church. The counties involved are Pennsylvania, Montgomery, Berks, and Schuylkill – and perhaps Chester County. The timing of the expansion, growth and creation of counties in Pennsylvania was largely driven by treaties between the British and indigenous American Indians as well as activities related to the American Revolutionary War and after 1783, additional treaties with the United States.
When researching during this timeframe it may appear as though the subjects of research moved, when in actuality, counties were being created and previous county borders redrawn causing the appearance of movement that didn’t really exist. And, then of course, they do move in some instances too!
It’s also important to consider geo-political events taking place at the time when building a timeline – treaties, wars, religious persecution, are all pre-emptive events that trigger migrations from one place to another.
Key Dates in the History of Friederich Patz ( b. ca 1720) and son Frederick Potts (1758 – ?) :
- 1681 – Pennsylvania existed but with no counties
- 1682 – Bucks, Philadelphia & Chester counties were created.
- 1691 – Naturalization papers were granted to nearly 33 germans of who nearly three fourths became pioneer settlers in the County (of what would become Montgomery).
- 1702 – 1709 – Matthias Van Beeber, a German, purchased a tract of 6,166 acres on Skippack creek, and constituted over 1/2 of the southern part of Perkiomen township. He divided this land into lots and sold them to actual settlers. – Perkiomen, Towamencin, Upper and Lower Salford, Hatfield, Fanconia, Frederick, Marlborough, New and Upper Hanover, and Douglass townshipps, and a few of their number were Hollanders.
- 1708-1709 – EARLY PA history starting with the naturalization of William Potts, Jonas Potts and Thomas Potts, Jr. in Germantown – unclear if these were R1a or R1b Potts but most claim as R1b.
- 1712 – Oley Pennsylvania was settled in 1712 erected in 1740 – located in Manatawny Section of what would eventually become Berks County Pennsylvania in 1752.
- 1720 – Colebrookesdale Township was first settled in 1720 and erected in 1741 – located in Manatawny Section of what would become Berks County Pennsylvania in 1752.
- 1720 – Probably birth year of Friederich Patz/Potz/Potts/Paetz and wife Susanna (calculated as 25 years prior to birth of first know child for a reasonable date to use for reference in ancestral research.). Frederick Patz (ca. 1720) may be Silesian – evidence is explored further below. I’m guessing he was most likely in Lower Silesia or Saxony.
- 1719-1725 – By the beginning of the 18th century, the remaining Schwenkfelders lived around Harpersdorf in the German province Silesia.[2] As the persecution intensified around 1719–1725, they were given refuge in 1726 by Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf in Saxony. When the Elector of Saxony died in 1733, Jesuits sought the new ruler to return the Schwenkfelders to Harpersdorf. With their freedom in jeopardy, they decided to look to the New World; toleration was also extended to them in Silesia in 1742 by King Frederick II of Prussia.
- 1729 – Lancaster County added west of Chester County.
- 1731 – A group of Schwenkfelders came to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and several migrations continued until 1737. The largest group, 180 Schwenkfelders, arrived in 1734. The immigrant members of the Schwenkfelder Church brought saffron to the Americas; Schwenkfelders may have grown saffron in Europe—there is some record that at least one member of the group traded in the spice.
- 1733 – Palatines imported in the Ship, Pennsylvania Merchant, John Stedman, Master, from Rotterdam, Netherlands, but last from Plymouth, England. Qualified Sept. 18, 1733, in Philadelphia, PA. – There is a Frederick Gotz listed – Wonder if that G could really be a P? There are several Schwenkfelder families on this ship – it’s 2nd of 6 ships involved in their migration from 1731 to 1737.
- 1734 – By 1734, the German Element of population – in what would become Montgomery County – had so rapidly increased that 395 of the county’s 760 taxable people were of German descent. – These Germans founded the Mennonite, Lutheran, Reformed, Dunkard and Schwenkenfelder churches in the county.
- 1734 – Wilhelm/William Pott – Wilhelmus Pott arrived in Philadelphia on 24 Sep 1734 on the ship “St. Andrew” captained by John Stedman from Rotterdam Holland. He immigrated to Pennsylvania with the Schwenkfelders (Silesians) and listed as early Moravian settlers. It is possible he is a brother or maybe uncle to Frederick Potts/Patz/Potz/Patzin. I believe Wilhelm may have been Silesian due to his close friendship to the Schwenkfelders.
- 1738 – Michael Potz – On ship “Charles Ware” from Rotterdam 12 Oct 1738 – EXTREMELY GOOD chance he is related to Frederich Patz
- 1742 – Most of Silesia was conquered by Prussia, later becoming part of the German Empire. Frederick the Great offered the Schenfelders back their homeland but they declined to go back to Silesia. History of Silesia here.
- 1746 – Mar 5th – Birth Elizabeth Patz – Father Friederich and Susanna Patz (ca. 1720) with Sponsors Johannes Fran and Catharina. – New Hanover Lutheran Church. Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.
- 1748 – Jan 12th – Birth Anna Maria Potts – Father Frederich and Susanna Potts (ca. 1720) with Matthias Hollenbach and Wife as sponsors – New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church – History of the church. – its right outside of Pottstown and Pottsgrove PA. Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.
- 1749 – York County was added west of Chester.
- 1750 – Cumberland County was added north and west of York and West of Lancaster.
- 1750 – Oct 3rd – Land Warrant – Frederick Potts (ca. 1720) – 50 acres – Philadelphia County but land is in Oley in Colebrookdale Township (eventually in Berks County in 1752).
- 1752 – Berks County was created taking land from Chester and Philadelphia Counties. Northhampton County was created by taking part of Bucks and extending north to the present day border of PA.
- 1754-1763 – French and Indian War – Outlying counties in Pennsylvania were not a great place to be during the French and Indian War. It would have been much worse west of the Susquehanna or nearer the blue mountains to the north. Colebrookdale and Disctrict would have been much safer locations until after 1763.
- 1756 – Frederick Potts (ca. 1720) – District in Berks County – List of First Taxables.
- 1758 – Birth of Frederich Patz, Son of Friederich Patz (ca. 1720) – he was 15 on 22nd of May. – The Lutheran Church in New Hanover Montgomery County, Penna. – Part XXII, of a Narrative and Critical History prepared at the request of The Pennsylvania-German Society by Rev. J.J. Kline, PHD. – Page 364 – Berks County, Pennsylvania
- 1758 – Nov 28th – St. Michael’s Luthern Church of Philadelphia – Johannes Fuss married Use Margretha Elisabethe Patzin. Friederich Patz (ca 1720) and wife Susanna were also on New Hanover rec. Berks County, Pennsylvania
- 1758 – Rockland Township was taken from Oley and erected in 1758
- 1759 – District Township was take from Oley and erected in 1759
- 1759 – Jun 3rd – Oley Hill Chuch Baptism Records – Eva Susanna Potts – Father Frederich Potts (ca. 1720) and mother Susanna Potts – sponsors Woeffinger (perhaps grandparents??) Eva Maria and Jacob- Oley Hill Church, now St. Joseph’s in Pike Township. It’s 10 miles from New Hanover Lutheran Church.
- 1761 – July 23rd – birth of Joh. Daniel Paetz and baptized on Jun 20th 1762 – Parents Friederich and Susanna Paetz (ca. 1720) – New Hanover Lutheran Church – Sponsors Matthias Reichard and wife.
- 1764 – May 8th – Frederick Potts (ca. 1720) & Susanna, his wife, vs. Henry Impotee – assault and battery – May 8th 1764; “George the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King defender of the Faith & To the Sheriff of the County of Berks, Greeting. We command you that you take Henry Impotee, late of your County, yeoman, if he be found in your balliwick and him safely keep so that you have his Body before Our Justices at Reading at our County Court of Common Pleas there to be held for the County of Berks the eighth day of May next to answer Frederick Potts & Susanna his wife of a plea wherefore the said Henry the tenth day of March on Assultin and upon the said Susanna did to the great damage of the said Frederick and Susanna and against the peace of our Sovereign Lord the King, and have you here this Writ.” Witness Francis Parvin Esq. at Reading the eighteenth day of February in the fourth year of Our Reign.. Hereafter as N. Embody, Embody-Countryman Research.
- 1768 Nov 5th – Treaty of Fort Stanwix – between Native Americans and Great Britain. The treaty established a Line of Property following the Ohio River that ceded the Kentucky portion of the Colony of Virginia to the British, as well as most of what is now West Virginia. The treaty also settled land claims between the Six Nations and the Penn family. the lands thereby acquired by the British in Pennsylvania were known as the New Purchase. After this treaty it would be much safer to move beyond the Blue Montains to the north or west over the Susquehanna.
- 1769 – Mar 6th – Land Warrant to Frederick Potts (ca. 1720)– 300 acres over the blue mountains in Berks County PA – for Berks County, Pennsylvania but eventually will be Schuylkill County Pennsylvania. This has to be Friedrich Patz (ca 1720) because the younger would only be 11 or 12 years old at this time. The timing of the purchase makes sense as it would have ben just after the Treaty of Fort Stanwix.
- 1771 – Bedford County, Pennsylvania was created West of Cumberland County extending to the border of what would become Ohio.
- 1772 – Northumberland County was created to the north extending to northern border of present day PA and taken form Berks, Northampton and Cumberland
- 1773 May 22nd – Frederich Potz, son of Friederich Confirmed – age 15. Page 364 – The Lutheran Church in New Hanover Montgomery County, Penna. – Part XXII, of a Narrative and Critical History prepared at the request of The Pennsylvania-German Society by Rev. J.J. Kline, PHD.
- 1774 May 1st – Susanna Potz Confirmed – age 15 (born 1759) , daughter of Friederich – confirmed New Hanover Church.
- 1775 – 1783 – Revolutionary War. The timing of this really could not have been worse for the then 17 year old Friederich Patz (Frederick Potts (1758-d.?)). He was of age to participate through all 8 years of the war. During times of great disturbance, people become very mobile.
- 1775 – 1777 – History of Berks County, Pennsylvania, in the Revolution, from 1774 to 1783 page 125: “In the ** Itinerary of Gen’l Washington,** showing his movements during 1775, 1776 and 1777, the nearest point to Berks County that he reached was on September 21, 1777, when he and his army were in Pottsgrove township, (now in Montgomery’ County) about four miles south-east of Pottstown, the British having moved after him up the west side of the Schuylkill River. He remained there until the 26th of September. This was twenty miles from Reading, or about six miles from the county line. I have not been able to locate any of the Berks County companies as having been engaged in the Battle of Brandywine, or the Battle of Germantown, or even in the rigorous encampment at Valley Forge. Washington selected Valley Forge as the Winter quarters for his army. Several of his principal generals had suggested Reading as a proper place for this purpose.”DS NOTE – At Valley Forge George Washington quartered in Isaac Potts Stone house
- 1777-1780 – Berks County Revolutionary War Soldiers March 1777 – March 1780. First Battalion – Capt. Folck’s Company – Second Class.
- 1780 – F Potts (most likely Frederick Potts (1758 – d.?) at age 22) – part of Captain William Harrod’s Company – at Stations near the Falls (which is now Jefferson and Shelby counties – near future location of Louisville Kentucky). Remember Fort Harrod (in Mercer County) was built only 6 years earlier by James Harrod in 1774 and became Kentucky County, VIrginia’s seat in 1776. The late 1770’s and early 1780’s were a tough time to be in Kentucky due to incursions of the Miami Indians from Ohio. This is most likely Frederick Potts venturing to Kentucky by himself trying to earn himself some land during the Revolutionary War guarding our western flank. He would have most likely toured all the major forts in Kentucky during his service . It would also make sense that he would come back form this with land in Virginia/Kentucky. His eventual move to the norther neck of Virginina (West Virginia) and eventually Kentucky is not unusual for the men who served under Captain William Harrod. Need to research this area next.
- 1783 Sep 3rd – Treaty of Paris – signed in Paris by representatives of King George III of Great Britain and representatives of the United States of America, ended the American Revolutionary War. The treaty set the boundaries between the British Empire and the United States.
- 1784 Sep 10 – Montgomery County taken from the majority of Philadelphia County. This included the New Hanover Lutheran Church.
- 1784 – Frederick Potts marriage to Catherine Ham – Virginia – Martinsburg, Berkeley County, Virginia (now West Virginia). Having trouble finding any documentation on this.
- 1788 Tax Exoneration record – Frederick and Daniel Potts – Berks Pennsylvania – East District
- 1789 Tax Exoneration record – Frederick Potts – Berks Pennsylvania – East District
- 1789 Sep 18th – Northern Neck Land Grants – Land Grant U-573 to Thomas Hart in Berkley Co. Virginia mentions land adjacent to Frederick Potts.
- 1789 Tax Exoneration record – Frederick Potts – Berks Pennsylvania – East District
- 1794 Aug 20th – The Battle of Fallen Timbers – final battle of the Northwest Indian War, a struggle between Native American tribes affiliated with the Western Confederacy, including support from the British, against the United States for control of the Northwest Territory (an area north of the Ohio River, east of the Mississippi River, and southwest of the Great Lakes). This land had been ceded to the United States in accordance with the Treaty of Paris (1783), but the British and Indians (who had not been party to the treaty) refused to comply with the treaty and relinquish control. British army bases were maintained there to support their Native allies. This ultimately led to the American offensive and subsequent British-Indian withdrawal from the territory altogether following the Treaty of Greenville.
- 1794 – Clarke County – where Frederick Potts Jr () settled, we find that a Sam’l Potts was taxed for slaves and cattle and that he owned no land.
- 1795 Aug 3rd – Treaty of Greenville (Ohio) – after this treaty it is now finally safe to bring families into Kentucky
- 1796 – Clark County – The next surviving tax list is for 1796, but does not include Samuel’s name. Could this Samuel be a perviously undocumented brother of Frederick Potts Jr?
- 1800 – Nicholas County – William Potts, above road, Somerset watercourse, entry or surveyor was Fowler, 1 voter, 1 male, 4 slaves, 4 horses
- 1800 – Nicholas County –, William Potts, 100 acres, 5 slaves.
- 1801 – Nicholas County – tx list, – William Potts, above rd, Somerset waterway, 1 voter, 1 male, 4 slaves, 4 horses
- 1801 – Nicholas County – Frederick Potts, 1 male (no horses, no land)
- 1801 – Nicholas County – John Adams died, Elizabeth Oliver came to court July 1800 and renounced all benefit which she could Claim by her late husband’s will
- 1805 Sept 26- Nicholas County – Frederick Potts, s o Fred Sr (ca 1750). to Elizabeth Oliver, d o John Oliver of Redstone Settlement PA.
- 1805-07- Nicholas County – Wm missing from this list, possibly on one that didn’t survive
- 1807- Nicholas County –, Frederick Potts, 2 slaves (some years are missing) – This is also Frederick Potts Jr (), son of Frederick Potts (ca. 1750)
- 1807 – Nicholas County –, Frederick Potts, 2 slaves (some years are missing)
- 1808 Mar 31- Nicholas County – Sally/Polly Potts, d o Wm, to Samuel Hall (he may have died young as she m/2 Fox)
- 1808 – Nicholas County –, William Potts, 100 acres Somerset waterway.
- 1809 – Nicholas County –, William Potts, 100 acres, slaves, Somerset waterway
- 1810 Census – Nicholas County – Frederick Potts, Samuel and William Potts on same census record in Nicholas County Kentucky. This Samuel and Frederick have proven to be related based on yDNA genetic matches. Why not the William as well? I think he is most likely brother of Frederick Potts.
- 1810 – Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania -Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania carved from Berks County
- 1810 – Clark County, Kentucky – 1810 census is destroyed
- 1812 – 1814 – Clark County –, Frederick Potts (Jr), 100 acre, 1 man, 1 slave, 3 horses.
- 1812 – Clark County – Lucinda Potts to Jacob Milta/Miller.
- 1813 June 21- Clark County – Thomas Potts to Martha Vivion, d o Vivion Thacker Smith; sur, Smith Vivion; teste: Bingham Bullock
- 1813- Clark County –, no Potts.
- 1814 – Clark County –, Thomas Potts, 1 man, 1 horse (20 lines away); 95 a Howards’ Ck.
- 1814 – Clark County –, Frederick Potts, Jr., 95 acre, 1 man, 6 slaves.
- 1815 – Clark County – court suit no. 176; Aaron Lewis vs Fred Potts
- 1815 – Clark County –, Frederick Potts, (3 lines away).
- 1815 – Clark County –, Samuel Potts, 1 man, 1 horse (4 lines away; this is probably the son of Frederick)
- 1815 – Clark County –, Thomas Potts, 2 men, 2 horse
- 1815 – Clark County –, James Potts, 1 man.
- 1816 – Clark County –, Samuel Pots, 1 man, 1 horse.
- 1816 – Clark County –, Fred Pots, 95 acres, 3 horses.
- 1816 – Clark County –, Thomas Potts, 2 man.
- 1817 – Clark County –, Thomas Potts, 3 horses.
- 1818 – Clark County –, Fred Potts, 95 acres, 2 horses, 6 slaves.
- 1818 – Clark County –, Thomas Potts, 3 horses.
- 1819 Oct 1- Clark County – Prty Frederick Potts, Jr. 95 acres fr Vivion Smith; part of 500 a granted to Valentine King & also part of 250 acres sold to Vivion by James Bradshaw & wife.
- 1819 – Clark County –, Fred Potts, 95 acres
- 1819 – Clark County –, Thomas Potts.
- 1819 Feb 16 – Clark County – John Potts (b 1795 in Clark Co.) to Mary (Polly) Stone, d o Thom.; teste: James P. Bullock; John moved to IN, maybe with her bro Wm and sister Milley Fowler according to Stone family records in court.
- 1819 – Clark County – Prty transactions inc Frederick, Albert M., Elvina, James C., Milton V., John, Martha, Thomas, Mary.
Other Possible Relations in early PA
It’s very possible William Pott (Wilhelm Pott) of Oley who immigrated to Pennsylvania with the Schwenkfelders (Silesians) in the autumn of 1734 and listed as early Moravian settlers in the autumn of 1734 could be related to Frederick Potts (ca. 1720) – perhaps a brother. William Pott and George Merkel were part of the “The Associated Brethren of Skippack” and listed as early Moravian settlers.
William Pott immigrated to Pennsylvania with the Schwenkfelders in the autumn of 1734. Settled first in Germantown and then in Oley, Berks Co. John, a son, was one of the pioneers of Schuylkill County ; in 1806 settled north of Sharp Mountain, and erected Greenwood Forge. Pottsville is named for him. — Rupp’s History of Schuylkill County.”
Taken from Early Moravian Settlement – Page 170 – William Cornelius Reichel
D.S. Comment – I don’t know if you noticed above but Frederick Potts (ca. 1720) land Patent in 1769, adjoins land of George Merkel in on Schuylkill over the blue mountain in Berks County. I believe this is by 1810 Pottsville of Schuykill County. George Merkel is as Schwenkfelder as well as you will see below later.
There seems to be a pretty good history of The Pott Family by D.G. Ludbold on June 3rd 1904. It starts with the arrival of Wilhelm Pott and family at Philadelphia on September 12th, 1734. But no mention of Frederick.
History of Berks County
(Berks county created in 1752 – Montgomery County prior)
The first settlements in what is now Berks county were made during the first decade of the eighteenth century, by some English Quakers, French Huguenots and German Palatines, who settled at Wahlink or Oley. About 1715 a few Swedes settled at Amity. In 1723 about fifty families of Palatines from Schoharie, in New York, settled on Indian lands at the head of Tulpehocken creek; followed soon afterward by fifty other families from the same region, and in 1729 by another considerable accession, among whom was the historic Conrad Weiser.
Although Berks county was mainly settled by Germans, other nationalities were represented in it. Swiss immigrants settled in Berne; Welsh in Brecknock, Carnarvon and Cumri; English and Welsh Quakers in Maiden Creek and Robeson; Dutch (from whom the Potts descended) in Pike, and a colony in Hereford township known as Schwenkfelders, from Casper von Schwenkfeld, a Silesian, who founded the sect, of whom about three hundred families still remain.
D.S. Comment – I find the reference to the Schwenkfelders very interesting especially being Silesian. Silesia is a region of Central Europe located mostly in Poland, with small parts in the Czech Republic and Germany. Silesia’s borders and national affiliation have changed over time, both when it was a hereditary possession of noble houses and after the rise of modern nation-states. The first known states to hold power there were probably those of Greater Moravia at the end of the 9th century and Bohemia early in the 10th century. In the 10th century Silesia was incorporated into the early Polish state, and after its division in the 12th century became a Piast duchy. In the 14th century it became a constituent part of the Bohemian Crown Lands under the Holy Roman Empire, which passed to the Austrian Habsburg Monarchy in 1526. Most of Silesia was conquered by Prussia in 1742, later becoming part of the German Empire.
The Silesian area on the map matches almost perfectly the yDNA results that the descendants of Frederick’s son, Thomas Jefferson Potts (1790 – 1848) R1a – L260 – YP415 in origin. The darker dots are the oldest know yDNA matches to the deepest subclade YP415.

From 1744 till 1778, when the Indians were finally driven from the region, and especially between 1744 and 1764, the inhabitants of Berks suffered much from the incursions of marauding bands of these savages, who came oftenest from the direction of the Blue mountain. To protect themselves against these the inhabitants constructed forts along the Blue mountain at a distance of fifteen or twenty miles from each other, so that rangers from one could easily reach the other by a march of a day.
Other Important Documents
- View Counties of PA as they change over the years starting in 1663 through 1878.
- Early PA Land Warrants – Several Potts listed
- Early Moravian Settlements – History of the Moravian Church – “The ” Wiegner Farm” lies two miles south of Kulpsville, and about eight southwest of the Hatfield Station, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, in Montgomery County. It is now in possession of Mr. George Anders. The farm-house is no longer standing. It was inter- esting as having been the home of the first Moravians in Pennsylvania, and also as the head-quarters of “The Associated Brethren of Skippack” who met there for the worship of God and for religious edification. Among these old worthies were Henry Frey, John Kooken, George Merkel, Christian Weber, John Bonn, Jacob Wenzen, Jost Schmidt, William Bossen, and Jost Becker, of Skippack; Henry Antes, William J’rey, George Stiefel, Henry Holstein, and Andrew Frey, of Frederic Township ; Matthias Gmelen and Abraham Wagner, of Matetsche; John Bertolet, Francis Ritter, and William Pott, of Oley; John Bechtel, John Adam Gruber, Blasuis Mackinet, and George Benrel, of Germantown. Edmund B. Bensell, tlie meritorious artist, is his only descendant resident in Germantown.”
- Historical and Biographical Annals of Berks County Pennsylvania. – by Morton Montgomery – John Pott – William Pott – founders of Pottsville, Pottstown. –
- HISTORY OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, PA. – schuykill was carved from Berks county in 1810
- The bible in iron –
- Collection of 30,000 names of German, Swiss, Dutch and Swiss immigrants to PA – by Rupp
- D.S. note – one thing is clear, there are “German” Potts in EARLY PA history starting with the naturalization of William Potts, Jonas Potts and Thomas Potts, Jr. in Germantown in 1708-1709. Unwinding the German Potts in Berks (and Schuylkill) in Pottsville, Pottsgrove and Pottstown will not be an easy task as there appears to be a LOT of varied documentation and claims of which are “British/Welsh” (R1b) Potts vs. the German/Prussian/Dutch Potts (R1a).
- Pennsylvania German Pioneers Passenger Lists
I made the map below so I can keep track of Frederick Potts records locations in early Berks County PA.
On to the subsequent generations.
Generation 2A – Frederick Potts, Jr. (1784 – 1871)
- Born: 13 Jan 1784 – Either Berks County, PA or Loudoun, Virginia (or neck of West Virginia – see land record above on 1789 Sep 18th that reference land owned by Frederick Potts at that time)
- Died: 16 Mar 1871 – Boone County, Missouri
Wife 1: Elizabeth Oliver b. 1784 – d. 1838
Married 26 Sep 1805 Nicholas County, Kentucky
- Sarah Potts (1810 – ????)
- Alfred B. Potts (1811 – 1872)
- Nancy Pots (1815 – ????)
- Patsy Potts (1818 – ????)
- Margaret D Potts (1822 – 1911)
- Jane Potts (1824 – ????)
- Mary Potts (1824 – 1871)
- Elizabeth Potts (1830 – ????)
- John Potts (1838 – ????)
Wife 2: Martha B Pendleton b. 1806 – d. 1870
- Thomas F Potts (1845 – 1927)
- Napoleon Bonapart Potts (1848 – 1908)
- Ellenor Potts (1850 – ????)
Marriage Bond of Frederick Potts Junior and Elizabeth Oliver.
Frederick Potts Junior Will.
Generation 2B – Thomas Jefferson Potts (1790-1848)
- Born: 1790 Clark County, Kentucky or Possibly Virginia/West Virginia
- Died: 1848 Clark County, Kentucky
Wife: Martha Gholson Marietta Vivion b. 1794 – d. 1838
- Smith Vivion Potts (1814 – 1893)
- Sibby Potts (1816 – 1841)
- Elizabeth “Eliza” Potts (1817 – 1870)
- John F Potts (1818 – 1870)
- Thomas Jefferson Potts ( 1823 – 1880)
- Alfred Milton Potts (1824 – 1860)
- Elizabeth Potts (1829 – ????)
- James Carr Potts (1830 – 1894)
- David Dillard Potts (1833 – 1907)
- Martha Gholson Potts (1835 – 1890)
Generation 3 – Alfred Milton Potts. (1824 – died bef. 1860)
- Born: Clark County, Kentucky
- Died: Powell County, Kentucky
Wife: Elvilah Vivion b. 1823 – d. 1860
Married 13 Oct 1845 Clark County, Kentucky
- Thomas J Potts (1846 – ????)
- Martha Sabrina Potts (1848-1936)
- America Elizabeth Potts (America Elizabeth Potts)
- Milton Vivion Potts (1854-1916)
- Dixie Potts ()
Generation 4 – Milton Vivion Potts. (1854 – 1916)
- Born: Oct 1854 – Powell County, Kentucky
- Died: 9 Apr 1916 – Campton, Wolfe County, Kentucky
Wife: Euroria Roey Steele b. 1868 – d. 1937
- Lulu Potts (1888-1943)
- Dixie Potts (1893-1954) – Married Clyde Vice
- Carrie B Potts (1894-1979) – married 20 Dec 1918 – Everett Jack Collier. Children Marvin Collier and Junita Collier (Snelling)
- Charles Clay Potts (1896-1934)
Working notes on Frederick Potts Below
Information on Frederick Potts (1758- d?) and his Family
Pennsylvania 1686 – 1800
There is some history that says that the Potts Family came to Philadelphia with William Penn in 1682, emigrating from England. At first review, these Potts in the link above appear to be unrelated to the German Potts who colonized around what would become Colebrookdale Pennsylvania.
It also appears there is a great deal of confusion around the Thomas Potts who started the furnace with Thomas Rutter. I’ve seen it written that he was from Holland but most writing says he was welsh or from Britain (the Welsh Line). I can see from his will that his daughters are Magdelana and Catherine??? – these are very typically Germanic. He did come from Rotterdam.
History of settlements:
- Oley was settled in 1712 erected in 1740
- Colebrookesdale was settled in 1720 and erected in 1741
- Rockland was taken from Oley and erected in 1758
- District was take from Oley and erected in 1759
- All of the above are located in Manatawny Section of what would become Berks County Pennsylvania in 1752
1720 – Colebrookdale Furnace (maybe as early as 1718) by company comprised from Thomas Rutter, Anthony Morris, James Lewis and Thomas Potts. It was the first furnace erected din Pennsylvania. By 1731 it was owned one twelfth by Thomas Potts and George Boone. This Thomas Potts was from Holland.
1728 – November – Thomas Rutter created a will in which he owned 2/3s of a furnace and forge.
1730 – Thomas Rutter died.
1731 – The “Poole Forge” was owned in twelfths by Anthony Morris 1/12th, Alexander Woodress 3/12th, Samuel Preston 1/12th, William Attwood 1/12th, John Leacock 1/12th, Nathaniel French 3/12th, George Mifflin 1/12th, Thomas Potts (Sr) and George Boone 1/12th.
1734 – Wilhelm Pott – Wilhelm arrived in Philadelphia on 24 Sep 1734 on the ship “St. Andrew” captained by John Stedman from Rotterdam Holland.
Wilhelm arrived in Philadelphia on 24 Sep 1734 on the ship “St. Andrew” captained by John Stedman. This was the primary immigration of the Shwenkfelders to Pennsylvania, although he was not one of them. Wilhelm was accompanied by his brother Deganhart, sons Wilhelm and Johannes and his wife Gertrude. Gertrude was the widow of Peter Lobach and they brought 14 yr. old Peter Lobach, Wilhelm’s stepson, with them. Wilhelm stayed in Germantown for a brief time then moved up to the Oley valley to establish Ironworks. (Wilhelm set Peter up in business in 1746 and the Lobach Family stayed in the area long after the Pott family had died out here. Our village Lobachsville is named after them.) Wilhelm was very religious and was active in the Oley Moravian movement. He travelled frequently to Montgomery County on religious matters and was a friend, presumably of the famous Moravian, Heinrich Antes.
1738 – Thomas Potts Jr erected the Mount Pleasant Furnace – situated on the West Branch of the Perkiomen Creek, in Colebrookdale (now Washington) township, about 5 miles north of the Colebrookdale Furnace (pool forge furnace). First blast was 12th Oct 1738.
1746 – Mar 5th – Birth Elizabeth Patz – Father Friederich and Susanna Patz – New Hanover Lutheran Church.
1748 – Jan 12th – Birth Anna Maria Potts – Father Frederich and Susanna Potts – New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church – History of the church. – its right outside of Pottstown and Pottsgrove PA
1750 – Oct 3rd – Land Warrant – Frederick Potts – 50 acres – Philadelphia County Pennsylvania Archives Vol 24
1752 Berks County Pennsylvania was formed from parts of Philadelphia, Lancaster and Chester
1754 – John Pott/Potts – Amity Township – he was the Great Grandfather of William Pott (b1834 son of Jacob Pott and Catherine Miller) of Berks County. John had brother Thomas Potts who lived in Colebrookdale. Tradition is they were Preussen from Breisen Germany. John’s son was Johannnes Pott – his wife was a Schroeder – had son Daniel (though he should not be confused with the Danial son of Frederick and Susannah). There is a biographical sketch of him in “the Historical and Biographical annals of Berks County, Pennsylvania: embracing a concise history of the county – Vol II”
This is likely the same Thomas Potts who was partnered with George Boone on the forge in Colebrookdale.
Another link about this John Pott – says he was son of Wilhelm
1756 Taxables in District (in Berks County Pennsylvania) – Frederick Potts (Historical and biographical annals of Berks County, Pennsylvania, embracing a concise history of the county and genealogical and biological record)
1758 Taxables in Rockland – William Bot and John Bot
1758 – Nov 28th – St. Michael’s Luthern Church of Philadelphia – Johannes Fuss married Use Margretha Elisabethe Patzin. Friederich Patz (Paetz, Potz, Potts) and wife Susanna were also on New Hanover rec.
1759 – Jun 3rd – Oley Hill Chuch Baptism Records – Eva Susanna Potts – Father Frederich Potts and mother Susanna Potts – sponsors Eva Maria and Jacob Woeffinger (perhaps grandparents??) – this area is where Colebrookdale was to become. – Oley Hill Church, now St. Joseph’s in Pike Township. It’s 10 miles from New Hanover Lutheran Church.
1761 – July 23rd – birth of Joh. Daniel Paetz – Parents Friederich and Susanna Paetz – New Hanover Lutheran Church
1769 – Mar 6th – Land Warrant PA – Frederick Potts – Berks Pennsylvania D.S. Comment – most likely Frederick Potts (ca. 1750)
1775 – Oct – There was a Capitan William Potts whose ship ‘King of Prussia” originated from Rotterdam and landed in Philadelphia in 1776 with Palantine passengers.
1788 Tax Exoneration record – Frederick and Daniel Potts – Berks Pennsylvania – East District
1789 Tax Exoneration record – Frederick Potts – Berks Pennsylvania – East District
Loudon County Virginia
1746 – David Potts (1700-1768) and Elizabeth Lane Potts – Migrated to Loudon County Virginia in 1746 from Philadelphia County PA. Had Son Jonas, Jonathan, Jane, Elizabeth, Ezekiel and Mary. Said to be quaker. Prob an R1b Potts.
1780 – F Potts (perhaps Frederick Potts) – Captain William Harrod’s Company – at Stations near the Falls (which is now Jefferson and Shelby counties)
1794 – Clarke County – where Frederick Potts settled, we find that a Sam’l Potts was taxed for slaves and cattle and that he owned no land.
1796 – Clark County – The next surviving tax list is for 1796, but does not include Samuel’s name. Could this be Fred’s brother?
1800 – Nicholas County – William Potts, above road, Somerset watercourse, entry or surveyor was Fowler, 1 voter, 1 male, 4 slaves, 4 horses
1800 – Nicholas County –, William Potts, 100 acres, 5 slaves.
1801 – Nicholas County – tx list, -William Potts, above rd, Somerset waterway, 1 voter, 1 male, 4 slaves, 4 horses
1801 – Nicholas County – Frederick Potts, 1 male (no horses, no land)
1801 – Nicholas County – court records, Moses Hall released his Negro Diana Martin Baker to lay out road
– Wm. Caldwell claimed bounty money for a wolf scalp
– Cornelius Hall was paid for clerk duties, 5 months
– John Adams died, Elizabeth Oliver came to court July 1800 and renounced all benefit which she could Claim by her late husband’s will
1801 – Nicholas County – Prty, William Potts buys land
1801 – Nicholas County – Prty, William Potts to John Fowler.
1801 – Nicholas County –, Wm. Potts, 100 acres, 5 slaves (2 lines away from Frederick)
–, Frederick Potts, 1 slave; Frederick fr. Berks Co, PA.
1802 – Nicholas County –, William Potts, 100 acres, 3/6 slaves.
1802, – Nicholas County – John Oliver, father-in-law of Fred Potts, Jr. d w will
1803, – Nicholas County –, William Potts.
1803 – Nicholas County – Nov 24, Priscilla Potts, d o Wm. N. Potts, to John Swinny; she died Mar 19, 1813 and he remarried; ch: John, William, Elizabeth Jane b Dec 31, 1812 and married Nov 30, 1830 to James Thomson Hall who was born in
1804; they moved to Boone Co., IN and had a large family
1804, William Potts, 100 acres, 5 slaves.
1805 Sept 26, Frederick Potts, s o Fred Sr. to Elizabeth Oliver, d o John Oliver of Redstone Settlement PA.
1805-07 Wm missing from this list, possibly on one that didn’t survive
1807, Frederick Potts, 2 slaves (some years are missing)
1808, Henry Purviance sells land
1808 March 31, Sally/Polly Potts, d o Wm, to Samuel Hall (he may have died young as she m/2 Fox)
1808, William Potts, 100 acres Somerset waterway.
1809, William Potts, 100 acres, slaves, Somerset waterway
1810 Census – Frederick Potts, Samuel and William Potts on same census record in Nicholas County Kentucky.
This Samuel and Frederick have proven to be related based on genetic matches. Why not the William as well? I think he is most likely brother of Frederick Potts.
There is also a Smith Vivion in Nicholas County who had a transaction with Frederick Potts. My Thomas Jefferson Potts (1790-1848) – son of Frederick Potts (ca. 1750 – 1807??) – named his first born son Smith Vivon Potts (1814-1893). His brother in law was Thacker Smith Vivion
1810 CLARK CO., KY
1810 Census is lost
72% of KY men who were eligible, served. 64% of all deaths were Kentuckians. A company had 100-118 men who elected their own officers; units were named for commanders. Military records for 1792-1860 for KY have burned. Pension records remain and are in National Archives. NO other records remain. Ordinance reports remain at county level; “enrolled militia” is list of men 18-45 and lists cont. to be kept through 1920’s. “Active Militia” were men who drilled once a month, trained, etc.; good records after Civil War.
- David Potts, Sept 1, 1812-Dec 2, 1812; Corp, Alexander Stuart’s Co., 3rd Reg, KY detached Militia
- Fleet Potts, Pvt, April 24, 1813; served under Lt. Co. E.H. Hall’s Co., 7th, and detachment of Recruits; commanded by Col. Wm. Russell [Fleet Potts was born March 1, 1778 to Enoch and Susannah of Northumberland Co., VA
- George Potts, served Sept 10, 1814-Oct 9, 1812, Capt. Memorial Forrest’s Co., KY Vol. Mil.; company
- Also included Abraham Baker and William Colyar, John Bruse
- Henry Potts, Pvt., Sept 1, 1812-Dec 25, 1812, Capt. Solomon Brandenburg’s Co., 3rd, (Brandenburg
- resided in Meade Co. prior to war; no further data on Potts but could it have been son of William N. Potts of Nicholas Co. who married Oct. 1, 1812). Under remarks, it noted he was furloughed. Also found on Report of the Adjutant General of the State of KY, 1891, repri9nted 1992, p 53. Henry Houston Potts is too old to serve so this is probably the son of Wm Nelson Potts.
- Jonothan Potts, Sept 18, 1812-Oct 30, 1812, August McDonald
- Thomas Potts, Aug 15, 1812-Oct 14, 1812, Capt. Bland W. Ballard, KY Mil.
1812-1814, Frederick Potts (Jr), 100 acre, 1 man, 1 slave, 3 horses.
1812 Lucinda Potts to Jacob Milta/Miller.
1813 June 21, Thomas Potts to Martha Vivion, d o Vivion Thacker Smith; sur, Smith Vivion; teste: Bingham Bullock
1813, no Potts.
1814, Thomas Potts, 1 man, 1 horse (20 lines away); 95 a Howards’ Ck., Frederick Potts, Jr., 95 acre, 1 man, 6 slaves.
1815 court suit no. 176; Aaron Lewis vs Fred Potts
1815, Frederick Potts, (3 lines away)., Samuel Potts, 1 man, 1 horse (4 lines away; this is probably the son of Frederick), Thomas Potts, 2 men, 2 horse, James Potts, 1 man.
1816, Samuel Pots, 1 man, 1 horse., Fred Pots, 95 acres, 3 horses., Thomas Potts, 2 man.
1817, Thomas Potts, 3 horses.
1818, Fred Potts, 95 acres, 2 horses, 6 slaves., Thomas Potts, 3 horses.
1819, Martin Crutchfield m Nancy Railsback (son of Nicholas who d 1833 in Clark Co. & Sarah Williams of Goochland, VA;; their son married Janetta Potts of Perryville
1819, Oct 1; Prty Frederick Potts, Jr. 95 acres fr Vivion Smith; part of 500 a granted to Valentine King & also part of 250 acres sold to Vivion by James Bradshaw & wife.
1819, Fred Potts, 95 acres, Thomas Potts.
1819 Feb 16, John Potts (b 1795 in Clark Co.) to Mary (Polly) Stone, d o Thom.; teste: James P. Bullock; John moved to IN, maybe with her bro Wm and sister Milley Fowler according to Stone family records in court.
1819? Prty transactions inc Frederick, Albert M., Elvina, James C., Milton V., John, Martha, Thomas, Mary.
1786 – William H Potts Sr (1786 – 1873) in Hancock County Indiana but born in Virginia. Wife Isabel F Chance Potts (1790-1876) born in North Carolina. Married in 1806. – Son Alfred Potts (1818 – 1912).
Genetic Information
My sample is #496081 at
I just checked and my deep subclade Potts yDNA test is now in and I’m officially classified as R-YP415 which is downstream from R-L260 – our Potts are Western Slavic. The density of current DNA that matches me and where their last know ancestors originate from is highest in what is now Poland (see below).
Remember the above map is only 12 marker exact (red) or 1-Step (orange) matches. Sidenote: a step is a variance of one repeating sequence or mutation in a given STR marker. None of the above points on the map, carry the Potts but they do match our Potts DNA. What a 12 marker match map does for us is to give us an idea of the remnant footprint of our Potts DNA’s origin.
This next map (below) narrows down the SNP map to the closest cluster related to our potts- R-L260 – YP254 – YP2905 – (my YP415 is next downstream form YP2905). Our connection to these folks may be 500-2000 years ago. But it gives you even further reference for where our Potts forefathers originated.
Additionally, the closest match of a living person to me in at of a yDNA sample has a last name of Botts. Botts is a german/prussian variant of the Potts surname. The germanic Botts/Potts name supposedly originated in East Prussia. This Botts person and I probably connect with a common ancestor sometime between 1000 to 1400 AD range – though we will likely never know. We are only 3 mutations (steps) off at 37 marker result (much more accurate than a 12 marker test results in the graphic above). And while this person won’t help us in our research, it is great piece of anecdotal evidence to assist directionally as it reiterates the connection to the Western Slavic Potts Prussian origin.
Saturday afternoon, working with a Potts genealogist, I was able to cross reference my DNA with her file (attached). I almost got depressed until I noticed there was a single R1a Potts listed. “Oh my!”, I thought. I punched in my DNA Y-STR results in as fast as I could and I got a nearly perfect match!!. Only 2 markers (Steps) off (at 37 markers) and this seams to be a very good bit of luck.
That new yDNA match may be priceless. Its for a Samuel Potts (1791-1865) and Nancy Taylor (I’ve started a tree for this line and am trying to connect with any living descendants). I’ll be working to find out more about them but I suspect they will connect in colonial times in Pennsylvania or Kentucky and this could be great!! Samuel Potts is a family name associated with FrederickPotts in 1901 Book on the Potts family (page 433) – mentioning a brother named Samuel and another David – The Three “Dutch Potts Brothers” – whom I now believe are of Prussian origin.
I’ve also added my DNA to the Potts Study but as I mentioned I am the only R1a sample in the Potts study so there is no point even looking at these names. R1a and R1b split something like 20,000 B.C. The Potts there are predominantly R1b – either R-M263 proto-celtic Potts and a few of Fennish/Scandinavian Potts of I-M253 origin.
I’m going to add my DNA to too to see if anything else turns up.
I’m hoping some Pott/Potts/Bott/Botts will show in the much larger R1a study here – my results have been received by the admin and slotted with their closest match on page two if you allow 500 results on the page and then do a <ctrf>-F in your browser and search for 496081 it will find me and see the closest matches of people not named Potts.
What follows are the pieces of the puzzle I have found and are not perhaps arranged in perfect logical order and I apologize for that but it will take me more time than I have right now to write all this up in a more logical order. And I have a lot more research to do.
But, I think what is important is that I focus on the Frederick Potts documentation that I have found in the 1748-1780’s in PA in Colebrookdale/Oley. And last night I discovered their was a William/Wilhelm Pott born in Evangelish, Enger, Westfalen, Prussia who died in Lobachsville, Berks, PA on Oct 18th 1781. He emigrated on Sept 12th 1734 from Rotterdam to Philadelphia and settled in the Oley Valley. He is a very strong candidate to be related to the three dutch brothers – Frederick, Samuel and David. Wilhem is listed on Page 427 of the Potts family History Book.